Macau in My Heart – 2025.02.18
《心影澳門》仇耀中攝影展 “Macau in My Heart”Photography Exhibition by Alex Chao Io Chong 攝影,作為一種獨特的藝術形式,它以景頭為筆墨,記錄著生活的瞬間與永恆。每一張照片,都是攝影師與被攝對象之間情感與思想的交流,是他們對生活、對自然、對社會的獨特觀察與深刻理解。本次仇耀中先生的《心影澳門》攝影展,我們精心挑選了他在澳門拍攝的30幅作品,涵蓋了不同的主題、風格與技法。內容有澳門這幾年現代化建設的華麗、人文景觀的細膩、都市生活的溫馨等。通過“澳門風貌”、“中西交融”、“澳門市井”三個塊面,讓我們用作者的眼光窺見不同的澳門,感受多樣的情感。在策劃本次展覽的過程中,我深感責任頗重,不僅僅要關注作品的視覺效果,更注重其背後的文化內涵與思想深度。希望通過這些照片,引發觀眾對於生活、對於藝術、對於世界的思考。同時,我們也籌備了一場分享會,作者將和與會者分享他的創作理念和技巧。讓我們一同走進這場攝影展,感受光影的魅力,領略藝術的風采。相信在這些照片的陪伴下,我們的生活將更加豐富多彩,我們的世界將更加美好。 策展人 : 薛達衛 Photography, a unique art form that uses scenes as its pen and ink to...

A Night with Piano at the Gallery – 2025.02.14
Open Event – Elite Association The piano evenings on Friday, co-organized by the Rui Cunha Foundation and by Elite – Association for Musical Creativity and Culture, has returned another...

Crescent on the Sea – 2025.01.21
The Rui Cunha Foundation opens on Tuesday, January 21st at 6:30 pm, the Maritime Silk Road Antiques Exhibition “Crescent on the Sea”, by collector Luis Au (歐路易), with approximately...

Kung Hei Fat Choi – 2025.01.29
The Rui Cunha Foundation wishes you all a prosperous Lunar New Year of the snake!...

A Night with Piano at the Gallery – 2025.01.24
Open Event – Elite Association The piano evenings on Friday, co-organized by the Rui Cunha Foundation and by Elite – Association for Musical Creativity and Culture, has returned another...

“Fai Chun” . Votive Papers Offering – 2025.01.15-16
The Rui Cunha Foundation opens the Gallery doors twice this year, on Wednesday and Thursday, January 15th and 16th, 2025, for the traditional “Fai Chun . Votive Papers Offering”,...

A Night with Piano at the Gallery – 2025.01.10
Open Event – Elite Association The piano evenings on Friday, co-organized by the Rui Cunha Foundation and by Elite – Association for Musical Creativity and Culture, has returned another...

Chinese Ink Rhythms of Saint Paul’s Church – 2025.01.07
The Rui Cunha Foundation opens on Tuesday, January 7th at 6:30 pm, the Art Exhibition “Chinese Ink Rhythms of Saint Paul’s Church”, by Tsang Tseng Tseng (曾貞貞), an artist...