IMG_CREDCRED-MD – Center for Reflection, Study and Dissemination of Macau Law

The CRED-DM as an independent organizational unit of the Foundation Rui Cunha, was born April 28, 2012 (date of incorporation of the Foundation), having had its first major initiative publishes the June 5, 2012, with the first conference Cycle reflections of the Fall Afternoon on the theme: Urban and Regional Planning: Towards a quiet revolution?


Screen Shot 2015-04-21 at 16.14.21eBooks CRED-DM – Your digital bookstore




FRC_trainingSpace and training courses related to law and organized by CRED-DM




FRC_ libraryLaw library, with a collection of physical about 5000 books on various areas, including legal science, history and international relations


FRC_DSpaceDocumentation Centre Foundation Rui Cunha




FRC_GalleryDedicated site to the events that occur in the Foundation Gallery Rui Cunha

http://www.  (em construção)






FRC_facebookFundação Rui Cunha on Facebook





FRC_YoutubeFundação Rui Cunha on Youtube