The President of the Foundation Rui José da Cunha

The Board of Curators  Rui José da Cunha (Founder); Rui Pedro Bravo e Cunha (Co-Founder); Isabel Alexandra Bravo e Cunha (Co-Founder).

Curators Nominees Vong Kok Seng; So Shu Fai, Ambrose; Chan Wai Lun, Anthony; José Sales Marques; Ho Weng Cheong; Huen Wing Ming, Patrick; Leong On Kei, Ângela; Jorge Neto Valente; Frederico Rato.

The Board of Directors Rui José da Cunha (President); Rui Pedro Bravo e Cunha (Vice-President); João Manuel Tubal Gonçalves (Vice-President); Kong Ieong, Connie; Isabel Alexandra Bravo e Cunha.

Executive Committee João Manuel Tubal Gonçalves (President); Rui Pedro Bravo e Cunha; Isabel Alexandra Bravo e Cunha.

The Auditing Board Chu, Santos Vai Kun (Sole Auditor).