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Poster MYPA Annual Exhibition 2023

The Rui Cunha Foundation presents on Tuesday, March 21st at 6:30pm, the “MYPA Annual Exhibition 2023” with a set of 31 pieces by 15 artists who are members of the Macao Youth of Printmaking Association, co-organizer of the event.

Printmaking has played an important role in cultural exchanges between China and the West in Macao. «In modern History, letterpress, gravure, and lithographic printing have been introduced to mainland China through Macao. Up to now, it still influences the improvement of printing technology in China, while also stimulating the enthusiasm for printmaking creation», states de exhibition manifest.

The Macao Youth of Printmaking Association has been established for more than 20 years. The purpose of this association is to promote print art to the young generation, by holding exhibitions, workshops, promotions in school, and other activities, in order to envolve the young people in Macao to develop a deeper understanding and to discover the talents of printmaking.

«Printmaking is a replicable art media, which is more conducive to communication than painting, and allows more people to appreciate the original work in different places at the same time. Macao’s creative printmaking began to germinate in the late 1980s. After more than 30 years, it has gradually established a printmaking creation route with gravure as the main axis. Although the delicate gravure is very attractive, it needs professional gravure printing equipment to show its effect. However, relief-printing, stencil, and monotype prints do not require high equipment and still show a unique presentation».

Within the exhibition, there are many mono prints here shown, presenting different appearances and creative expressions.

The artworks will be on display at the FRC Gallery until Saturday, April 1st, 2023.

Admission is free.

Don’t miss it!

For Macau, Further and Higher!



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