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“A condição feminina da China Imperial à China socialista”

The Rui Cunha Foundation is hosting, from March 7th to 12th, the 2nd Chinese Culture Week, organized by the local Portuguese language newspaper Hoje Macau, in collaboration with the publisher Livros do Meio.

For five days, from Monday to Saturday, with an interruption on Friday, the Portuguese-speaking population of Macau will get in close contact with the Chinese Culture.

On Tuesday, March 8th at 6:30pm, the International Women’s Day will be celebrated with a conference, entitled “A condição feminina da China Imperial à China socialista: evolução sociopolítica e jurídica da mulher chinesa” (The Female Condition from Imperial China to Socialist China: Sociopolitical and Legal Evolution of Chinese Woman), a comprehensive analysis presented by Ana Saldanha, Professor at the Macao Polytechnic Institute (IPM), who will participate via Zoom from Lisbon, Portugal.

The session will be held in Portuguese, with no translation.

The published works for this II Chinese Culture Week can be purchased (in cash) at the FRC Gallery during the events.

Don’t miss the opportunity!
For Macau, Further and Higher!

Program – Chinese Culture Week 



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