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The Rui Cunha Foundation presents this Saturday, March 20 at 5:00 pm, the new series of tea-time music concerts, rebranded as “Nam Van Sound Waves”. The event opens with the first Bel Canto recital of 2021, brought by the voices of sopranos Ivy Lee and Cora Lei, accompanied by the piano of Coris Cheong.

The program includes pieces by composers Alberto Sarti, José Vianna da Motta, Heitor Villa-Lobos, Francesco Paolo Tosti, Liu Xue’an, Wang Liping and others.

The show also comprises the group MASH Quartet – composed of Michelle Lao (soprano saxophone), Aaron Lo (alto saxophone), Sherman Swing (tenor saxophone) and Hermione Chan (baritone saxophone) –, who will interpret some themes with Japanese tones, by composers Satoshi Yagisawa, Ito Yasuhide, Hiroki Takahashi, as well as Eddie Jennings.

Bel Canto is considered the maximum expression of the human voice. The Italian term was coined in the 18th century. This vocal technique emphasizes the beauty of sound and the technical capacity of the artist, instead of the dramatic expression or romantic emotion, being still taught today in a similar way as in the past.

Admittance is free.

Don’t miss it!

For Macau, Further and Higher!

Belcanto Saturdays_Program_20Mar2021
