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The Rui Cunha Foundation presents on Monday evening, March 22nd, 2021, the informal opening of the 1st stage of the collective exhibition “Blooming Beauty of Macau”, which will showcase part of the exhibition “Twenty One: Blooming Lotus”, displayed between December 2020 and February 2021 at the Ox Warehouse venue.

Developed by Frost Ice Snow Creative Experimental Theater, with the support of the Macau University Student Union Drama Club, the project takes on a new life in this partnership with FRC, where more than 30 art pieces will be shown, created by seven local artists with different styles and techniques. They are Bill Ng Ion Chong (graphic designer), Leon Lei Chak Ngai (graphic designer), Anita Seak Ian Chi (writer), Winnie Wu Di (writer), Vege Cai Zi Yan (writer), Ines Chan I Lei (painter) and Stella Fong Hoi Lam (metal craft designer).

The works include graphic design, painting, poetry, writing, metal crafts, and other artifacts, which testify to the creative vitality of the new generations of Macau. According to the young artists’ manifesto, the idea came up a year ago. «At the beginning of 2020, Macau was experiencing difficulties during the pandemic, deterring the team to perform their shows, or to spend time in society with other artistic activities. Therefore, the Frost Ice Snow Experimental Theater planned for the first youth epidemic art exhibition in Macau, titled “Love and Suffering”, at the Old Court Building. This joint exhibition, aimed to face the hard times, won the support and recognition of society».

The various artistic creations that are now on display, were also scheduled for the celebrations of the 21st Anniversary of the Sovereignty Handover of Macau and the 71st Anniversary of People’s Republic of China, with a strong patriotic message.

«Twenty-one years of traveling through the memories of Macau, we are now living a special year to be together in community and close to our Country, determined to face all difficulties. In this era of dreams, with the support of the social environment, we continue to enjoy a prosperous development, so that we can integrate the aspirations of young people in the vision for Macau. At the time of the transfer, our homeland gave Macau the blessing of a lotus flower bud. Today that lotus flower has blossomed in full and we would like to, in the future, give back to our Country the “Blooming Beauty of Macau”», reads the same manifesto.

The exhibition will be on display at the FRC Gallery until March 30, 2021.

Don’t miss it!

For Macau, Further and Higher!