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POSTERThe Rui Cunha Foundation presents tomorrow, Tuesday, June 4th at 6:30pm, the opening ceremony of the Photography Exhibition and Book Launch “Macau Patterns”, by Eva Bucho, a co-organization with International Institute of Macau(IIM), sponsored by SJM Holdings (Sociedade de Jogos de Macau) and Cuppa Coffee.

Artist Eva Bucho, a local graphic designer, portrayed in her photographic project a diversity of interesting images that focus on “patterns” found in local heritage: like buildings, architecture, tiles, ornaments, and pavements distributed over five Parishes of Macau (Sé, São Lourenço, São Lázaro, Santo António and Nossa Senhora de Fátima).

On this event, Eva Bucho will also present a trilingual Photo Album edited by IIM, and sponsored by the Cultural Development Fund (FDC) and Banco Nacional Ultramarino (BNU). The author registered the images during the course of two years, gathering a compilation of modules and patterns collected not only in photographs but also in vectorial drawings.

Eva Bucho reveals that this book «is a photographic memory from my point of view. I only arrived in Macau in 2016, but over the years, I have been amazed by the cultural pattern of Macau and its small little details as it remains a permanent presence in Macau».

The Photography Exhibition and Book Launch are part of the Program Celebrations of June 10th and the Month of Portugal in Macau.

The photos will be on display until June 15th, 2024.

Admission is free.
Don’t miss it!
For Macau, Further and Higher!


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