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Poster_FBThe Rui Cunha Foundation presents today, Thursday, November 9th at 6:30pm, the Opening Ceremony of  the Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition, entitled “Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the Macau Grand Prix”, by Ung Choi Kun, President of the Macau Wisdom Humanities Encourage Political Association, with the participation of local artist Au Kuen Kin, who signed the paintings that complete the exhibition set.

The renowned master calligrapher Ung Choi Kun created for this exhibition around 30 pieces of calligraphy and painting alluding to the theme of racing, in a retrospective seven decades of history regarding the most international and iconic event in the territory. It showcases the portraits of so many racers who experienced the Guia Circuit and are part of the collective memory, such as Ayrton Senna and Michael Schumacher, but there is also video archive footage, a cardboard replica of a GT racing car, and even a real Yamaha motorcycle long ago retired from the tarmac tracks.

To Ung Choi Kun, «the Macau Grand Prix continues to radiate its unique charm through bursts of speed and passion, rightfully earning its place as the most dazzling symbol on Macau’s “tourism business card”». Held for the first time at the end of October 1954, as a race for local motorsports lovers, the event became what many consider the best urban circuit race in the world, and the only one to include four-wheel and two-wheel competitions.

«For many people in Macau, the Grand Prix represents not only a racing sport but also an emotional connection, encapsulating countless memories of the Macau people and fostering a unique sentiment towards the event. (…) In every corner of the city, one can feel the spread of this passion. The lights on the track, the spectators in the stands, and the sweat of the drivers—all these details contribute to the rich essence of the Macau Grand Prix», enthusiastically describes the master calligrapher and deputy of the Legislative Assembly.

On the countdown for the engines’ ignition, FRC Gallery invites the sports fans to come and celebrate the occasion, which will happen on the weekends of November 11th to 12th and 16th to 19th.

The exhibition will be displayed until November 11th, 2023.

Admission is free.
Don’t miss it!
For Macau, Further and Higher!


2023.11.06 – Macau Grand Prix – Students visiting

2023.11.09 – Students Visiting . Pui Ching

2023.11.09 – Ung Choi Kun Grand Prix exhibiton 


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