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POSTER_FBThe Rui Cunha Foundation and MBtv Debates present today, Wednesday, October 18th at 7:00pm, a conference entitled “CreActivity: Taking Creative and Cultural Industries to the Next Level”, inserted on the MBtv Current Affairs Series.

More than a buzzword, cultural and creative industries have emerged as a pillar aimed at fostering a more diverse economic structure. How can we nurture talent, enhance innovation, and unlock the sector’s potential?

That is the million-dollar question to kick off the discussion and to challenge local society for the opportunities ahead.

The distinguished panel of guest speakers invited to contribute to this evening talk is ambitious, featuring Carlos Marreiros, President of Albergue SCM and ALBcreativeLAB; Alice Kok, President of Art for All Society; Ricardo Pinto, Director of ‘The Script Road’ Macau Literary Festival; and Agnes Lam, Director of the Centre for Macau Studies at University of Macau.

The session will be moderated by the Director of Macau Business and Macau News Agency, José Carlos Matias.

This conference will be held in English and broadcast live on the FRC and MBtv Facebook pages.

Admission is free.
Don’t miss it!
For Macau, Further and Higher!


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