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The Rui Cunha Foundation presents on Tuesday, March 15th at 6:30pm, “The Tai Heng Paintings” Exhibition, by renowned Australian artist Denis Murrell, who returns to the FRC Gallery with a new collection of 12 large sized abstract paintings.

According to him, «it’s been ten years since I’ve painted large canvases, because I did not have the space for it». This project was made possible with the support of his friend and agent Suzanne Watkinson, who made available a fraction of the Tai Heng Building – in the Sai Wan Lakes area of the Macau peninsula – to be used as a studio, from where the painter could see a large part of the city that inspired him and his most recent works.

The paintings in this exhibition are the result of a continuous experience of almost 33 years with abstract painting techniques, using different materials such as acrylic paint, natural water-based pigments, China ink and absorbent paper on canvas. The art display will allow the public to observe the subtle changes that have taken place in the production of Murrell’s work, in line with his theory that «every new painting is an experiment».

Denis Murrell was born outside of Melbourne, Australia, on March 2nd, 1947. He started teaching English in Papua New Guinea for 14 years, and then in Australia, before moving to Macau in February 1989. Here he developed an artistic career and has been well recognized and awarded ever since. His work has been celebrated ten years ago, with an extensive exhibition held in November 2012 at the Macao Museum of Art, bringing together many paintings that Denis Murrell had donated over the years to that institution.

The artist is also a recurring presence at the Rui Cunha Foundation Gallery, where he has twice shown his work before: at the collective exhibition “Ponto de Partida: Pinturas de Denis Murrell e seus Estudantes”, held in January 2015, and the solo exhibition “Down and Up” in July 2017.

Meanwhile, along with “The Tai Heng Paintings” Exhibition, Denis Murrell will carry out a guided and commented tour, on Saturday, March 19 at 5:00pm, where he will talk about his work and answer questions from the visitors at FRC Gallery. The display will be held until March 19, 2022.

Don’t miss it!

For Macau, Further and Higher!