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Belcanto Saturdays_Program_12Mar2022

Poster_new2021The Rui Cunha Foundation presents on Saturday, March 12 at 3:00pm, this time an earlier session of “Bel Canto Saturdays”, as part of the series of musical concerts “Nam Van Sound Waves” which bring to FRC Gallery the “Sandra & May Poon Students Recital”.

The Macau Vocal Association, co-organizer of the event, selected for this afternoon a show with ten students, who have been learning piano for several years with sisters Sandra and May Poon, teachers and pianists of reference at the local classical landscape. They are Henrique (金興頤), Gianna (嚴樂芝), Adwin (楊梓清), Marisa (梁睿), Agnes (陳凱彤), Erica (陳倩樺), Cici (黃詩喬), Rachel (伍衍盈), Lily (沈揚) and Catherine (孫妍).

The program will feature a selection of notable pieces by famous composers such as Johann Pachelbel, Gustav Mahler, Jeremiah Clarke, Johann Wilhelm Hässler, Ludwig van Beethoven, Aleksandr Grechaninov, Domenico Scarlatti, Frédéric Chopin, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Thomas Attwood, Franz Schubert and Chen Peixun.

Young Steinway artist Sandra Poon, along with her sister May Poon, formed the “Poon Duo” in 2012, which is the only two pianos ensemble in Macau. They received their Master degrees at the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music and Indiana University Jacobs School of Music, respectively. The duo was the recipient of the Special Prize at the Kayabuki Ongakudo International Competition, the First Prize in Brussels International Music Competition, the First Prize at the Ohio MTA/Graves Piano Competition, the Agnes Fowler Scholarship and the Macao Postgraduate Scholarship. The “Poon Duo” has also performed in major cities of North America and Asia, and appeared in festivals and concert series such as the Macao International Music Festival and the Hong Kong Musica del Cuore.

Admission is free, but subject to capacity limitation, in accordance with health recommendations implemented by local authorities.

Don’t miss it!

For Macau, Further and Higher!