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Poster_FBThe Rui Cunha Foundation presents on Thursday, January 20th at 3:00 pm, the Chinese Poetry Seminar “How to create and enjoy Smart Couplets”, an initiative conducted by calligrapher and poet Master Xue Rongxuan (薛榮軒), also known under the pseudonym Lao Pi (陋筆), who is Director of the Executive Committee of The Flora Garden Poetry Friends Association.

The speaker will lead a lecture on the famous Ji Qiao Lian (機巧聯), an independent genre of Chinese Literature, composed of verses in pairs of phrases or rhymes, from creative and skillful techniques, which result in poems of great cunning and wit, clever and subtle, often imbued with fine satire and humor.

To create these couplets, from connotations of signs that complement each other, «it requires clever thinking and ingenuity ideas. The most important thing is to have a wide range of knowledge and a full understanding of the form, sound and meaning of Chinese characters», reveals the organizers’ proposal. «There are many tricks such as disassembly of the poetic structure, double meaning, palindrome, homophonic, radicalism, and so on».

This Chinese Poetry Seminar will be presented only in Cantonese.

Admission is free, limited to a maximum of 30 people, without prior registration.

Don’t miss it!

For Macau, Further and Higher!
