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“Protect, Hope, Love – Student Art Exhibition 2020” – 2020.08.11-13

POSTER_FbThe Rui Cunha Foundation presents the “Protect, Hope, Love – Student Art Exhibition 2020 on August 11th, Tuesday at 11:00am, to showcase the artwork accomplished by the students of The Macau Association for the Mentally Handicapped.

This year’s theme is dedicated to all the hero workers that have been fighting a close combat against the pandemic of Covid-19. A total of 26 pieces of art were completed by the students from Escola Kai Chi, Centro de Formação Inicial Kai Chi, Centro Vocacional Kai Lung, Centro Kai Hon and Casa de Petiscos “Sam Meng Chi”, under the guidance of the instructors that have been challenging the special students to overcome their disabilities through arts.

The paintings reflect the students’ concern for the current challenges of society and encourage the frontline professionals on their daily achievements. These works have marked down the evolution of this group of students in the past year, hoping to let the public realize the diverse imagination and creativity of people with intellectual disabilities through their artistic expression.

This is the third consecutive year that the Rui Cunha Foundation co-hosts this event. Last year’s edition, “Art-Infinite – Student Art Exhibition 2019”, showcased 38 art pieces, including painting, pottery and mosaic collages.

Through the platform of Rui Cunha Foundation, the Macau Association for the Mentally Handicapped hopes to contribute to raising awareness and understanding for the immense value of artistic creation among people with intellectual incapacities. This organization has been established in the territory since 1986.

The exhibition is sponsored by the Bank of China (Macau Branch) and fully supported by the Rui Cunha Foundation.

Opening Ceremony: 11th August (Tuesday) 11:00 am

Exhibition Dates: 11th to 13th August, 2020

Admission is free, but subject to limitations, due to compliance with the regulatory health measures in force.

Don’t miss!

For Macau, Further and Higher