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The Rui Cunha Foundation opens next Tuesday, June 2 at 6:00 pm, the exhibition “Artistic Calligraphy and Painting Works of the Women Associates’”, celebrating the 1st Anniversary of the Macau Women Calligraphers, Painters and Sculptors Association, which took place on March 24th. For reasons that fall within the context of the current pandemic, the previously postponed exhibition now reaches the local public, bringing together 34 pieces made by 33 female artists from Macao.

These works seek to convey “the active and passionate role of the Macao women towards traditional Chinese culture”, according to the President of the Association, Hong San San. They also highlight the reality that is being experienced today at a global level, as several pieces “very clearly express the idea that resilience and a positive spirit are the determining qualities in times of crisis and adversity” (see Hong San San’s Foreword text attached).

The most recent works were even the subject of the Association’s first virtual exhibition – “Ode to the Heroes of the Fight against Pandemic” -, held online on February 25, which paid tribute to the men and women who have been on the front lines in defense of the health and safety of the population.

The Macau Women Calligraphers, Painters and Sculptors Association is a non-profit organization, founded in March 2019 by the current president, Hong San San. The basic principles for its constitution were the establishment of an exchange platform for women artists and the gathering of means for learning and researching the theory and the practice of such craft. The project also intends, through the constant consolidation of artistic techniques and the organization of various periodic events, to promote the dissemination and to contribute for the sustainable development of traditional Chinese culture, in terms of its preservation and diffusion among future generations.

The current exhibition will be open until June 13 at the Rui Cunha Foundation Gallery.

Don’t miss out!

For Macau, Further and Higher!