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Submission dates:  27-30/11/2013

Reception time:  03:00-06:00 pm

Reception location:  Rui Cunha Foundation Gallery,

Avenida da Praia Grande, n 749, r/c, Macau

Borderless Arts Hosts a Contemporary Art Exhibition and Calls for Entries

This event will take place at RUI CUNHA FOUNDATION gallery, Avenida da Praia Grande nº749 R/C.

2013 marks the 5th anniversary of Borderless Arts. This year, to promote contemporary art education as well as encourages youth’s involvement in artistic activity and helps tap their creative potential, the Borderless Arts Membership Exhibition specially takes on a new format. It will not be a members-only exhibition and the participation is opened to all secondary school students, who are invited to submit entries.

The event includes a selection process but there’s no ranking, as our objective is simply to encourage the younger generation to involve in contemporary art creation, offering young people an opportunity to exchange creative experiences with overseas artists.  The exhibition will occur in Rui Cunha Foundation gallery from January 21st /February 8th 2014.

The members of the jury for the selection of entries will select works to be exhibited based on such criteria as originality, artistry and integrity, through which we hope to promote a positive attitude in young people towards artistic creation.

Borderless Arts-Advertisement

Work requirements:

Graphics (incl. framing):  Max-width 80cm/Max-height 100cm

3D works: within 100 cubic cm

Videos: In less than 10 minutes, to be submitted on CD-ROM or USB.

Multimedia works: Relevant images/audio file or installation plan should be provided. (Please submit the printed texts and sketches together with a CD-ROM)


Framing requirements:

  1. Wall mounted works should be mounted or framed, suitable for direct display

2. The organizer will provide display stand for sculptures and 3D works.

3. The organizer will provide DVD player and screen for multimedia works.

(Please don’t use glass frame on any types of works; the organizer will not take responsibilities for any damages thereof)


Selection & award:    Selected works will be showcased at the Borderless Arts Membership Exhibition in celebration of the association’s 5th anniversary; selected participants will be awarded a bonus of MOP1000 , plus MOP500 as a production subsidy.


Enquiry: Tel: 28300046/668201066

Page: BorderlessArts

EMAIL: BorderlssArts@gmail.com


Useful information of Rui Cunha Foundation Gallery

Schedule: Monday to Friday 10.00 AM to 07.00 PM.

Saturdays from 03.00 to 07.00 PM.

Closes on Sundays and Public Holidays.

Venue: Avenida da Praia Grande, nº 749, r/c, Macau
Free Entrance



Rui Cunha Foundation

Telf: (853) 28923288

E-mail: carla@fundacao-rc.org; galeria@fundacao-rc.org