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It was on November 8 that Rui Cunha Foundation visited the Flora Poets Association with initiative of exchange thoughts and seeking for collaboration opportunities.

The Flora Poets Association was formed by a group of poet lovers in 1998. Vu Hiu Fong , Cheng chun Yiu and others poet lovers join together in Flora park to enjoy the peace and beauty of the nature landscape, through poetry .

This association has over 100 members now and it’s aim is to nurture new poets which in many of them including the new poetic stars – Vong Kuok Kim e Chong Yat Fai.

In the past few years, the Association and the poet – Yam Fong Chan has been defending strictly the modern composition of the poetry and the rhyme of couplets in order to raise it to a higher level and this hard work has been appreciated and gradually recognized by some neighbor regions.
