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27 de Outubro de 2015, às 18:30
Palestra Ilustrada por Música” Faust “

Charles-­François Gounod was a XIX century French composer, best known for his Ave Maria. His opera “Faust” based on Goethe’s poem is, indeed a composition derived from the play “Faust et Marguerite” by Michele Carré. This is a fantastic opera about an old doctor who sold his soul to Devil for youth and pleasure. Mephistopheles, the Devil is his companion to new adventures of love and seduction that dishonors Marguerite, a cast and pure girl. This is an opera of repentance and redemption.

It will be showed in 29th Macau International Music Festival and Rui Cunha Foundation, by the voices of Raul Pissarra and Shee Vá, presents that “grand-opera” to the public of Macao for its better understanding and delight.