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The publisher “Livros do Meio” has the honor to invite Your Excellency to launch the book “Poemas de Tao Yuanming, co-edition with the Cultural Affairs Bureau, which will be held on 16th October at 18h 30m in the Rui Cunha Foundation’s headquarters, Avenida da Praia Grande No. 749.

Tao Yuanming, born in the fourth century, is one of the most important poets of Chinese literature, for now first translated into Portuguese, in order to spread Chinese culture among Lusophone countries. It is a bilingual edition.


Press on the book launch ”Poemas de Tao Yuanming.

HojeMacau-PoemasTaoYuanming PontoFinal-PeomasTaoYuanming HojeMacau-PoemasTaoYuanming Macaudaily_ch-Tao-YuanMing JTM-Tao-YuanMing.pdf