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The Rui Cunha Foundation opens on Tuesday, August 6th at 5:00 pm, the Chao Kuang Piu College Volunteer Teaching Display, titled “Sunshine in the Mountains”, which presents a very worthy solidarity project of a team of university students who, twice a year, dedicate themselves to teaching isolated and disadvantaged children in the interior and mountainous region of Guizhou province, in southwestern China.

The display will showcase a retrospective of these educational campaigns, through 25 photo images from the most recent trips, a set of letters written by children to the volunteer teachers’ team, and other related artefacts. This will be followed by the screening of a 25-minute Documentary, also titled “Sunshine in the Mountains”, which precedes a testimonial sharing session, presented by Eliza Lei, Macau TV and Radio Broadcaster, Senior Host and Program Producer, with some project participants.

Chao Kuang Piu College (CKPC) – one of the ten residential colleges in University of Macau – celebrates its 10th anniversary in 2024, highlighting community activities and the unwavering commitment of these young academics, who have been making a positive difference in the lives of those with fewer opportunities. Founded in 2014, CKPC has accommodated around 500 students each year under a multidisciplinary communal environment.

«Since December 2018, CKPC Volunteer Teaching Team has been performing voluntary teaching every winter and summer at Gantuan Mei’e Primary School in Congjiang County, Guizhou Province of China. Congjiang was among the poorest areas in Guizhou and many ethnic minority children there are so-called “left behind children” as their parents work far away from home. These college students serve as the children’s big brothers and sisters during the visits. Through teaching (covering English, art, sports, music, and science) and group activities, they help the children learn about the world and cultivate good habits and empathy. They also bring companionship and novelty to children. The children’s enthusiastic response further solidifies the team’s commitment to elevating their perception and aspirations through the long-term periodic voluntary campaigns», according to the co-organizers’ proposal.

The Opening Ceremony and Documentary will be held in English and Chinese. The Sharing Session will be conducted in Chinese only.

The project will be on display until August 10th, 2024.

Admission is free.

Don’t miss it!

For Macau, Further and Higher!

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