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POSTER-FBThe Rui Cunha Foundation presents tomorrow, TuesdayJanuary 23rd at 6:30pm, the Solo Exhibition “We Are Not Food” by Justin Chiang, which showcases again the artist’s paintings, a decade after his first exhibition at the FRC Gallery in 2014, then titled “I’m Not Food”.

The project reveals an evolution in Justin Chiang’s work, related to the theme of nature preservation and the respect for animal rights, this time with a set of 18 acrylic paintings, where various species of edible fauna are represented, such as cows, pigs or fish, and also inedible, such as bees, butterflies, sharks, jellyfish, tigers or elephants.

According to the artist, “We Are Not Food” is «a very personal art exhibition, focused on the goal of reducing animal suffering. Through the power of art, this exhibition aims to present the audiences with my concerns and reflections on this issue». With the paintings, «I hope to evoke empathy for animals and inspire viewers to seek more compassionate and sustainable ways of coexistence».

«I firmly believe in the boundless power of art to inspire and transform people’s thoughts. Through this exhibition, I hope to raise awareness among viewers and collectively strive to minimize harm to animals, forging a more harmonious futurein our relationship with them. May this exhibition serve as a catalyst for change, prompting us to reevaluate the treatment of animals as mere commodities», he adds.

Justin Chiang Chin Pang is a passionate artist who has been engaged in art creation for many years, exploring various forms, styles, and materials. Graduated from the Faculty of Arts and Design of Macau Polytechnic University, this exhibition marks his 9th solo presentation and is a significant milestone in his artistic career, which includes several works exhibited locally and internationally: in Macau, Mainland China, Taiwan, Portugal, France, and other destinations.

The exhibition will be open until January 27th, 2024.

Admission is free.
Don’t miss it!
For Macau, Further and Higher!


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