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POSTER-FBThe Rui Cunha Foundation presents today, Wednesday, September 27th at 6:30pm, the opening ceremony of the Collective Exhibition of Calligraphy, Painting and Seal Carving, under the title “Together We Shine”, to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival and People’s Republic of China National Day with the artists from the Macau Women Calligraphers, Painters and Sculptors Association.

The exhibition was curated by Hong San San Rodrigues, President of the Association and an artist herself. It showcases the works of 35 women memberswho created 43 art pieces of painting, calligraphy and stamps on Chinese scrolls, fans and lanterns commemorating the Autumn festive season.

The event will be preceded that day by a related activity of “Chinese Lantern Painting” at FRC Gallery, from 4:00pm to 5:30pm, inviting the public to observe the artists’ talent and technique in lanterns and fans’ painting and even to try it. The demonstration is free and is part of the ceremony and festivities.

Chinese Lantern Painting Workshop

«This year’s Mid-Autumn Festival coincides with National Day, which is very special. It is one of the important traditional festivals in China. During the celebrations it is customary to eat moon cakes, admire the moon and hang lanterns at home. Lanterns are a symbol of joy and blessings in festivals and are also an important inheritance of traditional Chinese culture. And on National Day, the new China can move towards independence, be honest and innovative, and celebrate the two festivals together with joy across the country!», declares the President in the exhibition manifesto.

And Hong San San adds that «our Association takes Mid-Autumn Festival lanterns as the theme for the first time. Using various lantern-shaped paper materials to project the romantic feeling in both calligraphy and painting, meticulous seal carvings are used to show the profound heritage of Chinese culture and the richness of art with infinite charm».

The art pieces will be on display at the FRC Gallery until October 14, 2023.

Admission is free.
Don’t miss it!
For Macau, Further and Higher!

Exhibition Opening


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