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POSTER_FBThe Rui Cunha Foundation opens on Tuesday, June 27th at 6:30pm, the Joint Exhibition “MusicArt”, a Cross-Disciplinary Experiment of Music and Art bringing together 17 artists from Macau and Mainland China, curated by the renowned singer, actor, and local artist Giulio Acconci.

On display there will be 17 artworks, one by each artist, covering different media and formats, including painting – oil, acrylic, watercolor, digital and mixed media –, photography, printmaking, collage, metal, ceramics, 3D animation, installation, and video. The exhibition is divided into four parts: String Connections, Synesthesia, Imaging and Fusion, aiming «to convey various emotions of contemporary society and to explore the diverse possibilities of cross-disciplinary art», according to the curator’s proposal.

“MusicArt” is an «experimental cross-disciplinary art project that connects the worlds of color and musical notes through mutual definition and interpretation, inspiring each other to achieve a harmonious state», reveals the exhibition memorandum. «It is common knowledge that both Music and Art can be explained or broken down into theories. The fundamentals of these two seemingly different worlds are surprisingly analogous: There are seven basic notes in music (Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La and Si) as there are seven basic colors in the color spectrum (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet). Their similarities are such that one could have fun by applying their respective theories and see what comes out of it. One interesting experiment could be to simply substitute the notes and colors with numbers and see what happens», suggests the curator, who signs the memorandum.

To assemble art and music in the same space, the project will also count on the collaboration of the Macao Vocal Association and the Macao Jazz Promotion Association, whose events in July will be associated with the “MusicArt” concept: a “Bel Canto Saturday” on July 8th (Saturday) at 5:00pm, and a “Saturday Night Jazz” on July 15th (Saturday), also at 5:00pm, exceptionally, with the presentation of an original piece created for the concert.

For Giulio Acconci, «in today’s increasingly intense clash of different cultures and ideas, this cross-disciplinary art experiment may help us better understand the era we live in», while promoting the vigorous development of local art in Macau.

The exhibition will be open until July 22nd, 2023.

Admission is free.

Don’t miss it!

For Macau, Further and Higher!


Mini-Reportagem sobre Exposição “MusicArt” – Revista Online CSR – O’Media

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