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Rui Cunha Foundation celebrates 10 YEARS of life

The Rui Cunha Foundation celebrates today its 10th Anniversary, a milestone representing the great achievement of producing and organizing almost 1400 events to this date, while continuously seeking to add value for the benefit of local communities and to contribute further and higher for Macau.

FRC was created on April 28, 2012, established by Rui José da Cunha, with son and daughter, as a non-profit collective entity under private law, to benefit the public interest. Its main purpose was to support the individual and autonomous development of the MSAR legal system and to undertake the philanthropic project of promoting the unique cultural identity of Macau’s civil society, its arts and its people.

Thank you for continuing here with us throughout this special journey. Your involvement has been invaluable and greatly appreciated!

>>> PROGRAM <<<




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