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Poster2-01The Philosophy Cafe – Do we need Confucius in the World today?

Fundação Rui Cunha 官樂怡基金會

聯邦大廈749號R/C, Av. da Praia Grande, Macau
Terça-feira, 26 de Setembro às 19:00 – 21:00

The significance of  “Asian Values” in contemporary society has been highlighted by rising Asian nations in recent decades, specifically as a corrective of Western values centered primarily on individual rights and liberties. Often the notion of Asian Values refers to community-oriented Confucian ideas such as xiao 孝 (“family reverence” or “filial piety”).  The Philosophy Café will revisit the question of the role of Confucian values in contemporary Asian societies, such as Macau, where they still exert considerable influence. Rather than addressing this issue mainly through a comparison with Western values, however, we will look at how other Chinese philosophical traditions, such as Daoism, have engaged with Confucianism and its values.”

Conferencista:  Professor Hans-Georg Moeller