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《爵士初夏音樂會》系列2016 — Blaine Whittaker Strange Universe Band
23/6/2016 (四) 8:00pm

“Early Summer Jazz Concert” Series 2016: Blaine Whittaker Strange Universe Band
23/6/2016 (Thur) 8:00pm
Dom Pedro V Theatre
Free Admission

澳洲籍色士風手Blaine Whittaker是現時亞洲及全球各地最活躍的樂手之一,曾師從Wynton Marsalis, George Coleman及Vincent Herring等當代大師的他更是當今流行樂壇一流歌星的專屬樂手,包括張學友、林子祥、側田、杜德偉、方大同及容祖兒等。

他曾出版個人唱片 Sound Barrier及Twilight,2015年推出最新專緝Strange Universe,於全中國及日本發行。他 曾參與爵士名伶Laura Fugi的巡迴表演,亦是澳洲代表性小號手James Morrison的巡迴班底。其他合作過的樂手還有Howard McCrary, Emma Pask, Brigitte Mitchell及Ben Semmens等。他現時更是藝人/歌手黃敏德樂隊MW R&B BAND的音樂總監。
色士風/長笛 – Blaine Whittaker,鍵盤 – Nicholas Bouloukos,低音結他 – Scott Dodd,爵士鼓 – Laurent Robin,結他 – Eugene Pao



2016.06.23 - Strange Universe Band - Blaine Wittaker

Australian saxophonist Blaine Whittaker, one of the most active musicians around Asia and other parts of the world, studied with Wynton Marsalis, George Coleman and Vincent Herring. After two of his albums “Sound Barrier” and “Twilight”, the latest one “Strange Universe” was released in 2015 in China and Japan. He toured with Laura Fugi and Australian iconic trumpeter James Morrison. Other musicians whom he worked with includes Howard McCrary, Emma Pask, Brigitte Mitchell and Ben Semmens, etc.

Whittaker is also one of the hottest musicians in the Canto and Mando Pop world, who has toured and recorded with just about every big name: Jackie Cheung, Justin Lo, George Lam, Alex To, Kahlil, Joey Yung and many more. Blaine is also Music Director for film actor/singer Michael Wong’s MW R&B Band.

With his all stars line up, Whittaker will be stepping into the early summer with Macau: Saxophone/Flute – Blaine Whittaker,Keyboard – Nicholas Bouloukos,Bass – Scott Dodd,Drums – Laurent Robin,Guitar – Eugene Pao.

Meanwhile there will be a saxophone workshop, everyone is welcome to share and interact with the master.