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POSTER22-01The Rui Cunha Foundation presents on October 31st, at 9:00pm, another “Saturday Night Jazz”, this time dedicated to the Butter Jazz Duet & Mac Jazz Combo Ft. Special Guest, at the FRC Gallery.

This October’s “Saturday Night Jazz” continues with new faces. The series is supported by the Macau Anglican College every year, and the jazz group band now makes their first appearance with singer Carol Chin as a special guest.

In addition, the Butter Jazz Duet, composed of senior members of the MJPA – Macau Jazz Promotion Association – Ao Chon Fai and Johnny Yau, will take lead in the opening scene and conduct a group of rookies, re-adapting classic songs to carry forward the spirit of jazz heritage and the beauty of music.

Singer: Carol Chin

Trumpet: Koji Maximilian Kim Muraishi, Theodora Etchri

Saxophone: Ashley Cheng, Sherman Swing

Trombone: Nelia Choi Rodrigues

Piano: Jose Li Silveirinha

Piano and Clarinet: Ao Chon Fai

Double bass: Johnny Yau

Drums: Charlotte Lei

Admission is free. Don’t miss out!

For Macau, Further and Higher!