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POSTER_FBThe Rui Cunha Foundation presents tomorrow, Tuesday, November 28th at 6:30pm, the Annual Arts Showcase “People First”, that will display paintings and ceramics created by more than 30 participants in the process of recovery from the Ká Hó Integrated Services Center of ARTM – Association of Rehabilitation of Dependencies of Macau.

This year, the selection of handicrafts includes oil and acrylic paintings, and ceramic pieces, many with Christmas motifs to buy as gifts for the festive season. In recent years, the arts have been an essential component in the daily life of the ARTM therapeutic community, through different activities and techniques, with a view to promoting the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing of patients, allowing their growth throughout the process of individual change.

The motto for this edition was inspired by the United Nations International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking campaign slogan, celebrated since 1987 on June 26, under the title “People first: stop stigma and discrimination, strengthen prevention”. The campaign aims to reinforcing the necessity to increase communities’ awareness about accepting people who use drugs and give them the respect and empathy that all human beings deserve. On the other hand, it is important to prioritizing prevention by implementing programs that reduce risk factors. Prevention and early intervention strategies highly help to protect or reduce substance use.

According to ARTM, the result is «a series of meaningful pieces of art. For some people in recovery, and for people with different types of mental health problems, engaging with and creating arts can be a key to their changing process, and in this way expressive arts appear as an important component of ARTM’s therapeutic community daily life as vocational training and recreational activities. The results are always satisfactory and the sense of accomplishment is fulfilled. It gives us more motivation to continue exploring new ways to create new and beautiful lives together».

The showcase, which has been supported by FRC since 2020, is an important moment to celebrate the results achieved by each participant in their path of reintegration into the society. The Association of Rehabilitation of Dependencies of Macau is a local non-profit organization that offers therapeutic programs for recovering from drug and other addictions, such as gambling and alcohol. ARTM also develops guidance and follow-up services for former addicts, as well as primary prevention services for young people, families, schools, and the community, with a strong commitment to public health and human rights.

The artworks will be on display until December 2, 2023.

Admission is free.
Don’t miss it!
For Macau, Further and Higher!

FRC | Exposição da ARTM expõe trabalhos de pessoas em recuperação da toxicodependência | Telejornal da TDM – Canal Macau de 29.11.2023TDM - Mostra Anual ARTM_29.11.2023

