Work Presentation – Do Ato Médico ao Problema Jurídico
The CRED – MD, Center for Reflection , Study and Dissemination of Macau Law , Rui Cunha Foundation and the Portuguese Bookshop show next Tuesday , 8 April 2014, at 18:30 , at the Headquarters of Rui Cunha Foundation , Av Praia Grande , n.749 , R / C , Macau , the Work from Medical Act to the Legal Problem .
The Author Vera Lucia Raposo , PhD in Law from the University of Coimbra , and currently Professor at the Faculty of Law of Macau , The Medical Act to the Legal Problems, now in 2nd edition, is a compilation of comments on decisions concerning civil medical liability and criminal in Portuguese higher courts , focusing , among others , issues such as the application of the general requirements of civil and criminal liability to the medical field .
At a time when Macau discusses the new draft law on the subject , the work presented here is undoubtedly a valuable tool towards a better understanding on how the legislation and implementation of the same is done in other jurisdictions and what can be improved.
The presentation will be in charge of Mr. Leal Henriques , Center for Legal and Judicial Training of Macao, and also present the Lord Mário Évora , MD, President of the Macau Association of Cardiology .
After the presentation will be as usual an open discussion period where everyone present can submit questions to the author , or simply to express his views on the subject under consideration .
The presentation will be given in English.
Admission is free .

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