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POSTERThe Rui Cunha Foundation presents a special session of “Music Illustrated Talks”, entitled “The Cornerstones of Romantic Piano Music”, next Tuesday, July 6th at 6:30pm, conducted by pianist and teacher Leung Hio Meng, regarding the multiple technical possibilities that an instrument like the piano offers.

The piano was invented around 1710 by a musical instrument maker named Bartolomeo Cristofori di Francesco, born in Padua, Italy. But it was the Englishman John Broadwood who, at the end of the 18th century, expanded it all over Europe through the sonatas of Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven.

Based on these testaments of pianistic literature, romantic composers of the 19th century, such as Chopin and Liszt, explored the sound range of the keyboard and its flexibility, and cultivated the virtuous potency of the instrument. On this journey of sound expansion, reflection also took place, especially in the confidence generated between the interveners. The composer/pianist’s intimate moments, transformed into sound, spilled over onto the listening public, whether in private salons or in theaters or concert halls.

Leung Hio Meng, pianist, Graduated in Music Theory and Ph.D. in Music (Piano) from the University of Kansas, will be present as a speaker, introducing us to the theme and giving us a small preview of his recital “Summit of Romantic Pianism”, scheduled for the Small Auditorium of the Macao Cultural Center, on the 18th and 22nd of July.

The session will be held in English. Admission is free, but subject to limited capacity, in accordance with the health recommendations implemented by local authorities.

We look forward to seeing you at the FRC Gallery and, of course, at CCM.

Don’t miss it!

For Macau, Further and Higher!

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