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Organizado por Macau Design Centre

澳門製造廠巷5號 Travessa da Fabrica N0. 5, Macau


Kintsugi Workshop with Kristina Mar

Kintsugi or literally golden joinery repair is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered gold , silver, or platinum .
Kintsugi the art of embracing damage as a philosophy, it treats breakage and repair as part of the history of an object, rather than something to disguise.
This workshop will be emphasizing how designers and contemporary artists use this 400 years old technique with new esthetic views.


Please enroll by sending your name address, telephone and some kind of identification number document to


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workshop schedule
WORKSHOP and slide lecture
( 7 ) HOURS

November 7th saturday , 16h~20h
Slide show about the techniques , and how designers and contemporary artists use it nowadays .
Introduction to the lacquer mending technique of kintsugi, and mending personal items.
Let it to dry.

November 8 th sunday, 16h~19h
Covering the mending with lacquer and gold or silver powder, and designing the final composition.

Attendance fee 600pt. Fee to be paid on the workshop day.

All materials and tools are provided.
Attendants must bring their own item to mend: a broken piece of ceramic , glass or wood.
A undamaged piece also can be used to transform with a design pattern that reminds a kintsugi technique.

The workshop will have place if at least 9 attendants can be confirmed.
All the enrolled attendants will be informed in the case that the workshop will not take place for any reason, one day before the workshop starting date, by the same email used for the enrollment .