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The Rui Cunha Foundation and the DM-CRED – Centre for Reflection, Study, Dissemination and the Law of Macau organized on the 27th October 2014, Monday, at 18.30, at the Headquarters of Rui Cunha Foundation, Avenida da Praia. great, n.749, R / C, Macau, a Conference about Europe’s relations with China and Macau in areas such as antidumping import restrictions, state aid, free movement of persons and organization of agricultural markets.

Inserted in our rubric to Falling Afternoon Reflections, this conference will be the speaker Lord José Luis da Cruz Vilaça, Judge at the Court of Justice of the European Union.
In this lecture the speaker will focus his presentation on the Jurisprudence of the Court of Justice relating to the areas under discussion, including a process that had the opportunity to intervene as a lawyer, against the European Commission.
Born in 1944; law degree and master’s degree in Political Science from the University of Coimbra Economics; PhD in International Economics (University of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne); professor at Catholic University and New University of Lisbon; was a professor at the University of Coimbra and Lusiada University of Lisbon (director of the Institute of European Studies); member of the Portuguese Government (1980 1983): Secretary of State for Internal Affairs, Secretary of State for the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Secretary of State for European Integration; Member of the Portuguese Parliament, vice president of the group of the Christian Democrats; Advocate General at the Court (1986 1988); President of the Court of First Instance of the European Communities (1989 1995); lawyer in Lisbon, specialist in European Law and Competition Law (1996 2012); member of the Reflection Group on the future of the judicial system of the European Communities’ Groupe Due “(2000); Chairman of the Board of the European Commission (2003 2007); President of the Portuguese Association of European Law (since 1999); Judge at the Court of Justice since October 8, 2012.
The presentation will be given in English.

The entrance is free.
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