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Justice Cycle of  Cinema – 4rd movie

Title: The Story of Qiu Ju

Director: Zhang Yimou

Year: 1992

Duration:  95 min

Actors: Li Gong, Peiqi Liu (peasant) Liuchun Yang (sister in law of Qiu Ju); Kesheng Lei (head of the village), Zhijun Ge (agent Li);

Local: Northwest China – Shaanxi Province

Subtitle: English

Screening: July 15, 7:00pm, CASA GARDEN


The Story of  Qiu Ju – synopsis (PT)


The film is based on the book “The Case of the Wan family” Yuan Bin Chen;
Qiu Ju, married with the peaceful peasant Qinglai is pregnant, but still when the head of the village mug during an argument, she leaves home to get medical help and justice for her husband. Together with sister in law goes everywhere to find someone causing the boss to apologize. All agree that the boss done wrong, but refer it to another instance. Along the route receives promises of payment of medical treatment and lost wages. However, the apology is as illusory as a mirage in the desert. When justice finally arrives, the sentence makes no sense to the complainant.


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