The First Museum in China – The British Museum of Macau ( 1829-1834 )
His intervention will be critical point, the first museum in China , and the fact of the same not having been Zhendan Museum in Shanghai , founded by Jesuit Father Pierre Heunde Marie (1836-1902) in 1868 , but the British Museum in China , founded in 1829 three members of the English Company of the Indies, in Macau, the territory occupied by Portuguese and located at the mouth of the Great Pearl River Delta since 1577.
The studies and research carried out by the speaker, it is possible to understand more clearly and objectively , the whole context in which the founders lived and related in Macau as well as the importance that all his research work in land came to take for British academic institutions , including the British Museum in London , and also how the British Museum of Macao was discovered , becoming the first ( western -styled ) museum in China .
The Conference will be held in English language and will take place at the Headquarters of the Rui Cunha Foundation , Avenida da Praia Grande , n.749 , R/C at 5 pm on 26 /10 ( Saturday ) .
Entry is free .
We count on the presence of all!
For Macau ( always ) More and Better !