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琴約在黃昏 / Uma Noite Com Piano Na Galeria / A Night with Piano at the Gallery

由於活動調動關係,12月19, 26日的‘琴約在黃昏’將暫停一次,01月2日起逢星期五將如常舉行。不便之處,敬請原諒。

Por Motivos de Época Natalícia e Fim de Ano, “Uma Noite com Piano na Galeria” dia 19 e 26 de Dezembro seram canceladas, retomando a cada sexta feira no próximo ano, dia 2 de Janeiro 2015. Pedimos desculpa por qualquer inconveniência causada.

Due to Christmas and New Year, ‘A Night with Piano in the Gallery’ on 19th and 26th December will be cancelled and resume on every Friday next year, starting January 2nd. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

About ELITE:

“ELITE – Association for Creativity and Music Culture” is a non-profit organization which promotes the creativity of music, whose main target is Macao Resident, specially the teenagers in Macao. Our aim is to provide music training and counselling services for young people so that they can develop their potential and realize their goal. Our affiliates are music composer, lawyer, engineer, doctor, educational psychologist, music therapist and business representatives… etc. In other words, ELITE in the different fields is gathered here. Our organization aims to create and cultivate meticulously to the development of the teenagers’ music talent in Macao.

Useful information of Rui Cunha Foundation Gallery

Venue: Avenida da Praia Grande, nº 749, r/c, Macau

Free Entrance


Rui Cunha Foundation

Telf: (853) 28923288

E-mail: galeria@fundacao-rc.org


Tel: (853) 6233 8211

Email: elitemusic1119@yahoo.com.hk

Web: http://www.elitemusic.org.mo/