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POSTER-FBThe Rui Cunha Foundation presents today, Thursday, June 26th at 7:00pm, a conference on “Macau and the Malay World: A Gastronomic Perspective”, inserted in the History and Heritage Public Lectures’ series, an active partnership between FRC and USJ – University of Saint Joseph, Department of History and Heritage, Macau.

Annabel Jackson will be this lecture’s guest speaker, a writer and researcher based in the UK, who lived in Hong Kong for more than two decades, and has been visiting Macau for 30 years. She is the author of 13 books, including 6 cookbooks on Asian cuisines, and has written extensively about Macau, with titles including “Taste of Macau: Portuguese Cuisine on the China Coast”. She holds an MA in Anthropology of Food from SOAS – University of London (School of Oriental and African Studies) and is currently studying for her PhD.

In this talk, the speaker will talk about how «the former Portuguese colony’s location on the South China Sea is suggestive that any syncretic activity would have been of Sinitic-Portuguese variation, but the situation is rather more nuanced. The culture of the Macanese people, who consider themselves the ‘sons of the land’, is reflective of Portuguese colonial activity across the Indian Ocean and most particularly in Malacca, but links between Macau and the ‘Malay World’ are deep and complex».

«Their exploration sheds light on, not only how and where hybrid communities and new identities emerge, but the ways in which they have historically interacted with and influenced each other. Comparisons are drawn with other ‘creolised’ cuisines in Southeast Asia such as Peranakan and Kristang food in Malaysia. These issues are approached through historical and political analysis, but also through the specifics of etymology and cuisine», refers the proposal.

The lecture will be held in English and moderated by Prof. Priscilla Roberts(USJ).

Admission is free.
Don’t miss it!
For Macau, Further and Higher!